Can You Get a Black and White Ragdoll Cat?
Black and white ragdoll cats, also known as a tuxedo ragdoll cat (how cute!), are a controversial color in the ragdoll world.
A black and white ragdoll cat isn’t officially recognized by The International Cat Association, and you won’t find breeding standards for a ragdoll cat in black and white on The Cat Fancier’s Association website. However, does that mean you can’t get a black and white ragdoll cat? Let’s discuss!
Interestingly, if you look back to the first ever litter of ragdoll kittens, a solid black cat, called Blackie (very original!), was bred with a pure white cat called Josephine by Ann Baker in 1963.
One of the kittens in that litter was a black ragdoll kitten. However, some would argue those kittens weren’t ragdolls and as the breed developed, the ‘official’ ragdoll cat colors were formed.
The ragdoll cat colors recognized by TICA and the CFA are:
- Blue
- Cream
- Chocolate ragdoll
- Lilac
- Red ragdoll cats (also known as a flame ragdoll).
- And Seal ragdoll cats (most commonly seal point ragdoll cats, like our boy Mr. Fudge!)
The CFA has a more thorough guide on the Ragdoll Breed Standard if you’d like to learn more.
Finding a Black and White Ragdoll Cat
Here at Ragdoll Cat Advice we’ve researched some examples of black and white ragdoll cats and have found that, although they are very rare, black and white ragdoll cats do appear to exist!
Like any advice on buying or adopting a ragdoll kitten or cat, as long as you do your research and find a reputable breeder, it can still possible to find a ragdoll cat in black and white.
However, if you’re only choosing a ragdoll cat for it’s coloring, you might want to question whether a ragdoll cat is really for you.
A ragdoll cat’s personality is so loving and affectionate that they do require a lot of attention and time, so it’s worthing weighing up the pros and cons of owning a ragdoll before you commit to welcoming a black and white ragdoll cat into your home.
Tuxedo Ragdoll Cats

Black and white ragdoll cats can also be referred to as a tuxedo ragdoll cat due to their markings. Typically their coat is majority black with white markings on their faces, under their chins, bellies and paws (much like seal pointed ragdoll cats or flame point ragdolls).
Picture someone wearing a tuxedo jacket with the white shirt, that’s the reason why a black and white ragdoll cat can be referred to as a tuxedo ragdoll cat, and we think it is just adorable!
The Rarity of Black and White Ragdolls
The gene responsible for the pointed coloring in Ragdolls is called the “Siamese” or “colorpoint inhibitor” gene. This gene restricts the pigmentation in certain areas of the cat’s body, resulting in the classic pointed coloring. However, black and white ragdoll cats have a mutation in this gene that allows for the expression of black and white fur.
The mutation that produces black and white ragdoll cats is very rare, making them a highly sought after variation breed. This rarity also means that not all ragdoll breeders will have black and white kittens available for sale.
If you are set on getting a black and white ragdoll, be prepared to do some research and possibly wait for a breeder to have an available litter. It’s important to also make sure that the breeder is reputable and follows ethical breeding practices.
Black and White Ragdoll Cat: Personality & Care

When you think of a ragdoll cat, a docile image of a large, fluffy feline with striking blue eyes might come to mind. However, the world of ragdoll cats is more diverse than you might imagine..
As with all ragdolls, the black and white ragdoll cat typically has a gentle and loving nature. They are known for their docile temperament and affectionate behavior, making them perfect companions for families and individuals alike. Despite their royal look, these cats are anything but aloof. They love to socialize and are fond of human companionship.
In terms of care and grooming, the black and white ragdoll cat requires regular brushing to keep its fur in pristine condition. It’s also important to make sure you provide a balanced diet to maintain their health and that unmistakable glossy sheen on their black and white coat.

If you’re thinking about bringing a ragdoll cat home why not explore cute names for ragdoll cats next, or get prepared to care for your ragdoll kitten or cat by finding out what the best brush for ragdoll cats is, or what kind of litter box is recommended for ragdolls.
I also have adopted what I believe to be a ragdoll, black and white, Tuxedo Cat. Her nature is that of a Ragdoll. She loves affection. She is so docile and loves to be near me. She is my sleep mate. I also have a part Siamese cat. She is ornery as ever…my goodness, I don’t know how the ragdoll can stand her sometimes. They are about 5 and 8 months old respectively. The Ragdoll’s name is Sox (a name I did not give her) and the Siamese name is Layla. Oh how I wished I could switch their names around. I adopted the ragdoll she was injured and I wanted to save her and I did. If you know of a GREAT home she could go to. I would part with her. I only wanted to rescue her from that bad environment. I am a cat lover, and I make sure that every day she has taken great care of and love on 💕. When I first got her, she was so scared. It took her months to come out from hiding my family really had to work with her and still she barely leaves my room. God bless you all and please take care of your fur babies. They are a gift from God.
Hi. We have a black and white cat that we originally thought was half Maine Coon but he looks more like these pictures. Would it be possible for me to send a photo for you to possibly share your opinion on him?